Transform Your Postpartum Health with The New Mom’s Revival Guide
Is this you?
Do you often feel like you’re never going to feel normal again?
You just can't figure out how to make your body work like it used to
You’re afraid to return to your normal activities after baby because you don't want to make anything worse
You’re frustrated with healthcare providers not listening to you or brushing your problems off as trivial
You’re too embarrassed to even talk about the issues you’re having
And all these things on top of already feeling like you’re being pulled in a million directions since you had your baby.
I totally get it! That was me!
I understand what it’s like to feel like your body will never be able to do what it did before baby!
You aren’t alone!
Can you imagine?
Heading to your favorite workout class confident you won’t make anything worse
Knowing that you won’t leak while you’re doing those jumping jacks or going for a run
Going out with your kids and NOT worrying about where the nearest bathroom is
Waking up with the hope of eventually feeling normal again
Going to the doctor with the knowledge of what’s going on with you and what treatments can help
Being empowered to make your care decisions, with your doctor’s guidance, or on your own
What would that be worth to you?
But why should you listen to me?
I speak with countless women everyday as a physical therapist specializing in women’s health and pre and postpartum care about simple every day habits that can change how you feel in your body. I have been trained in pelvic floor physical therapy, vinyasa, pre and postnatal yoga and health and life coaching. I know personally how much the information in this book has impacted my life.
As a mother of three children, two of which were large babies, I experienced many of the feelings and symptoms you may be experiencing now. I had postpartum depression, painful intercourse, urgency and urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse after two of my children. The lessons in this book changed my life and have allowed me to help change the lives of thousands of women in my office.
The New Mom’s Revival Guide
I’ve put together a comprehensive guide to impart on you simple knowledge and exercises to help you feel confident finding a new normal in your body.
In reading The New Mom’s Revival Guide, not only will you feel HEARD, but you’ll no longer feel alone and hopeless.
Learn simple tips and activities you can perform in 5-10 minutes a day to help with those feelings of sadness, hopeless and depression that happen to so many women after having a baby.
Find self-care techniques and exercises to help relieve your pain, whether it’s back pain, hip pain, abdominal pain or pelvic pain with intercourse.
Gain insight into what bowel and bladder habits are normal and easy ways to improve your symptoms.
Grasp the best ways to assess for diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and understand the exercises to be cautious about and which ones will help you return to activities safely.
So whether you’re searching for a way to
Find confidence in your new body
Feel hopeful about returning to normal activities
Feel acknowledged and understood
Feel safe to do any activity you want without making yourself worse
Feel empowered to take care of yourself
Or simply feeling that you are thriving instead of flawed
The New Mom’s Revival Guide is for you.
Avoid spending your time and money trying to find someone to help you with this.
Ditch the frustration of waiting or “giving it time” to feel normal and never truly feeling better.
Bypass spending endless hours on the internet trying to find a solution to your problem.
Skip the stress of never knowing if what you’re doing is helping or hurting you.

Take a look inside.
You can expect to find:
What are the pelvic floor muscles and their functions
What is Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) & how do I check for it
What are normal bladder and bowel habits
What are the different types of incontinence & simple tips to help stay continent
Simple breathing and alignment exercises to decrease pelvic pain and improve continence
Where pain can pop up after having a baby
Simple tips to decrease stress and anxiety
How to take care of your scars post-labor
What is the Sacroiliac Joint? And why does it hurt so much?
Tips on positioning, posture & body mechanics of baby care to avoid worsening pain
Self care techniques for painful intercourse
What People Are Saying
“After reading the new mom’s revival guide, i learned how to get my body to feel great again. the techniques i have picked up from this book have helped me tremendously. this is a must read for All mamas in ANy stage of their lives!”
— Nika
“ I honestly felt hope for the first time in years. I am so relieved.”
— Diana
“Melissa explained everything she was doing and why, and answered all my questions with kindness and compassion. I would recommend her to anyone looking for quality care.”
— Happy customer
You could waste your time…
Searching online for solutions
Waiting and hoping your problem gets better on it’s own
Searching for a specialized therapy or healthcare worker to help
Stressing about whether or not what you’re doing is helping or hurting you
You can get help TODAY and feel empowered to make yourself better.
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If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your purchase within 30 days and aren’t convinced that The New Mom’s Revival Guide is worth the price you paid many times over, I want you to ask for your money back.
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+ What if I'm not sure if I have any problems, will your book still help me?
Yes! It'll teach you about things that can go wrong after having a baby, help you decipher if there is something that you can fix and will guide you on how to fix it!
+ How do I use the new mom's revival guide?
The book is separated into sections based on your symptoms and what you are experiencing in your body. I would suggest reading and educated yourself on the tips and tricks you can use to improve your symptoms without even doing any of the exercises first. Then practice the exercises from the section that relates to your experience.
+ How long will it take to see and feel improvement?
You should notice improvement in your symptoms within 2-3 weeks. They may not be entirely cured in that time, but you should notice things being at least a bit better than before. I usually tell clients “9 months in, 9 months out.” The longer you’re dealing with a issue/symptom, the longer it takes to get better; and in this case, your body changes for 9 months while pregnant and goes through even more changes during labor. Give yourself the time and grace to heal!
+ What if I have given it time and my symptoms get better but don’t go away entirely?
You can feel confident knowing when to call a therapist or make a 1-on-1 appointment to get some help. Often there are specialized techniques therapists can use to get you over that final hump to getting back to your normal activities. And you can feel good knowing you have done A LOT of the work yourself, so therapy may be much shorter and less time consuming since you have so much knowledge now.
+ Do I have to stop working out?
NO! Exercise and movement is great for your body! I will give you some tips on ways to modify your workouts or exercises to avoid FOR NOW, but strengthening your body outside of the exercises WITH the cues/tips in the book will help with both your mood and your physical symptoms.
+ Should I just go see a physical therapist first?
I have helped a number of patients in just 1-2 visits of therapy simply by imparting on them the knowledge and information you’ll receive in this book. For much less money and time, you will be able to significantly improve your symptoms (if not entirely). Then seeing a therapist will be much less time consuming and money draining than it would be if you went there first.
So don’t waste anymore of your precious time and energy on worry & stress.
Get The New Mom’s Revival Guide: Feel Confident in Your New Body After Baby and start living the life you’ve imagined!